● 명령어
% Move to matching bracket: ( { [ ] } ) => 코딩 시 괄호단위로 이동할 때 유용
:c$ Beginning with the character under the cursor, => 한줄 지우고 입력 시 유용, ( =: d$i )
"a10yy Copies 10 lines into buffer a
"ap Put contents of lettered buffer a below the current line
:.,$s/old/new/g Substitutes old with new from the current cursor position to the end of the file
:map @ cwUnversity of Washington
● 팁
▶속성 저장1
$ vi ~/.profile
EXINIT='set tabstop=4 autoindent map g 1G' ; export EXINIT
▶속성 저장2
$ vi ~/.profile
EXINIT='set exrc' ; export EXINIT
$ vi ~/.exrc
set tapstop=4
map g 1G
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