2012년 2월 22일 수요일



잘 안들린 문장

revolt: 반란
violence: 폭력
reportedly: 소문에 따르면
crisis: 위기
binding: 법적구속력이 있는
striking: 눈에 띄는
prominently: 두드러지게
inhabitant: 특정지역의 주민
liberate: (억압/속박으로부터) 해방시키다.
bailout: 긴급구제
significant: 중요한
dealership: (승용차) 대리점
rid: 제거하다
recession: 불경기
extra credit: 보너스, 추가점수
nickel: 5센트짜리 동전(five-cent piece)
Obama administration: 오바마 행정부
mint: 조폐국

General Motors is celebrating some good company news this week.
That restructuring helped the company be more profitable.
It's an electric car that was built at MIT. You're about to see why it's unique.
It costs 2.4 cents to make one penny, and 11.2 cents to make a nickel as of last year.
My thoughts as a coin dealer is I'd like to have them.